My pastor's weekly newsletter this week was about the story of Elisha and the boys who taunted him and were subsequently killed by a couple of angry she-bears. The original Hebrew, as Pastor Stephan points out, more than likely isn't talking about what we would consider children these days. The bears didn't brutalize a T-ball team. The word translated as boys in this story refers in other places in the Old Testament to young men. The Israelites considered anyone under 30 to be not an "adult" but a young male, not yet an adult. Essentially, a boy! And we all have been treated lately to the sort of orchestrated violence young people can get up to when incited by media and ideological party leaders.
The way this story is written, the confrontation of Elijah by the youthful servants of Baal (it's likely
that's who they were) suggests there were more than 42 of them, probably sent by the priests of Baal to spread disinformation about Elijah's translation to discredit the story. Their manner suggests an imminent attack on Elisha was planned.
Certainly the story was going around that Elijah was actually dead and
that his going up to Heaven was a lie perpetrated by Elisha. Facebook isn't the first spreader of disinformation. It was in
the interest of the pro-Baal party to spread this sort of gossip. Later
their descendants, the pro-Sanhedrin party of Israel in Jesus' time,
repeatedly spread lies about Christ, attempted to stone, throw off a cliff and arrest Him for
disagreeing with their dogma. It's no surprise that their cultural
ancestors (the "boys" in this story) would have been gathered to do harm
to Elisha and to shut up the man who opposed the Baal narrative of the day. The bears were
simply God's security team protecting Elisha, whose work was not yet
completed in Israel.
Jesus said we would recognize the signs of his imminent return in the same way that leaves in Spring speak of the coming Summer.
One can hardly look around, watch the news, hear the taunts of today's
version of those young men in the story, and not see evidence of the
soon-coming Savior. The young men have been gathered. Google Seventh-day
Adventist and you'll see page after page of anti-Adventist web pages. Entire websites are dedicated to opposing Adventism. I saw one "pastor"
ranting about how horrible SDAs are. He proposed that Adventist Christians should be knocked in
the head until they come to their senses. He flat out recommends that SDA's
be physically prevented from buying or selling until we cease spreading our lies, by law if necessary.
It was pretty stunning hearing a self-proclaimed Christian pastor saying it straight out like that.
The devil is among us like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. It
is hardly surprising that the church is being attacked from without and
within. Only by knowing God and Jesus whom He has sent, is there any
safety in this momentous age. But God is working among all those
children of His. There is a growing division in the Catholic church over the direction their socialist pope is leading them. Among Protestants as well Bible believing church members are beginning to oppose their church's progressive leadership. Those who prefer to get their theology straight from the Word are going back to the Bible to investigate whether their shepherds are leading them astray or not.
In this day and age, many Christian leaders wonder after the Beast, seeking to
gather their power and lead their followers to join the popular herd without challenging the non Biblical traditions Christianity has accumulated over the centuries. Satan has worked so very hard for millennia to embed false teachings in churches, the culture, the media and governments.
At the same time, we see
Christians waking up and questioning things they've long been told and
which are generally believed without question. It seems the Holy Spirit is moving God's scattered flock to go back to the Bible to check out some things they've been told about God that don't jibe with the God of Love they have come to know. I recently came upon an Assemblies of God pastor who has published the Bible with the books in their original order. To my surprise, Pastor Coulter talks about the ever-burning
hell idea being false doctrine. Other whole churches worldwide are accepting the
Sabbath truth. Amazing Facts director, Doug Batchelor, recently was invited to preach in the largest
Christian church in India (if not the world). We hear many reports of whole churches on studying the issue, returning to worship on the 7th day Sabbath, led by faithful Christian pastors.
We're in the sheep and
goats time of history that Jesus told us about. The polarization of political parties usually leads to sharp disagreements and violence, especially if their followers suddenly begin thinking for themselves, asking awkward questions, and
(to the horror of the leader class), choosing another path. At the same time, apostate church leaders, who hold to a kind of "divine right of kings" with regard to their own authority, will gather loyal followers and encourage them to taunt anyone
who deviates from the accepted convoluted pack of lies Satan and his
minions have for so long perpetrated on the Christian world.
And one need not study for very long before you find that what you read in Scripture is on many points at variance from what you hear from the mainstream pulpits of the land. When Bible students take a hard look at doctrines like the immortality of the soul, ever-burning hell, transfer of sanctity of the 7th day Sabbath to Sunday, and priestly authority to forgive sins, and they find truths that have long believed without question are not truth at all. It makes a lot of people who have taken the name of Christ and claim to speak for him, exceedingly angry when their authority to, as Revelation puts it, 'to change times and laws.' When you realize that the idea of an immortal soul actually negates John 3:16, it shocks you to the core. The most quoted verse in Scripture, says God grants eternal life to 'whosoever believeth in him' receives eternal life', and does not to those who do not believe.
If humans cannot surely die (remember that quote from a certain snake in a garden), it means God no longer gives eternal life to those who believe in Jesus nor even has the power to do so. That ought to raise questions about a lot of things you have believed that are standard doctrines in the church. Mainstream Christian religion claims the soul is immortal. Therefore, if everyone good or bad, believer or unbeliever is by nature already immortal as mainstream religion claims, then God,since He cannot kill an immortal soul as this doctrine claims, can only burn people in the lake of fire forever. If souls are immortal by nature, the God cannot kill an immortal soul, even a sinful one who rejects God's grace. If this doctrine is true, then, logically, this means God cannot end any soul's suffering, even if He wanted to. He can only punish.
So that means God is NOT omnipotent at the very least or, at worst, He really enjoys watching folks suffer for a lifetime of what are in most cases a lot of relatively petty sins against the punishment being meted out. God, then is pretty harsh, not the God of love at all. Then there is Hollywood theology that portrays a kind of Christian reincarnation where you die, become an angel and then get sent back to Earth to have another go at it. If you want your congregations to believe all that, then you best keep your folks away from the Bible.
A retired pastor once told me, "I believe in science and the Bible equally." A pretty convenient belief system. That way it leaves room for him to believe the same stuff all the regular folk do and it becomes an easy road from there down to "Well the Bible is so full of flaws, there's no need to take any of it literally other than as occasionally good advice."
Those who love power have a tendency to become cruel and desperate as that power slips through their fingers. See Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot and the rest of the world's despotic
rulers for examples. The death toll in the 20th century alone is in the
hundreds of millions at the hands of atheist and pseudo-religious governments. We are seeing that now as the venom against God's children gets more and more poisonous. Remember, we are up against the Dragon, the Beast, and the
False Prophet.
It's good to remember that God will send along she-bears to protect
His servants when He needs to. She bears are pretty fearsome when it comes defending their cubs.
Yours in Christ,
Tom King
© 2024